COVE has passed the Canada goose Canada first step in process to receive funding from Sport Canada

The COVE recently got the Canada goose Canada great news that we have been conditionally canada goose canada accepted for eligibility for funding from Sport Canada! The COVE Board of cheap Canada goose Directors has devoted a great deal of cheap Canada goose effort over the Canada goose Canada last few years to bring the Canada goose Canada COVE to a position where we can apply for Sport Canada funding. For instance, we have written and adopted a new strategic plan, written and adopted a number of cheap Canada goose new policies, updated and translated our constitution, had our financial statements professionally audited, developed our long term athlete development model, and we continue to improve and update our officials and coaching programs. Now that orienteering’s eligibility request (the Canada goose Canada Sport Funding and Accountability Framework) has been conditionally accepted, our next step is the Canada goose Canada assessment phase, in which we will be providing Sport Canada with more information on membership and activity data. The COVE Board wants to share this exciting news with you, but we also want to emphasize that there is no guarantee that we will receive funding cheap canada goose and if we do, we don’t know the Canada goose Canada timing or the Canada goose Canada amount. And there’s still lots of cheap Canada goose work to do. But we do want to celebrate this interim success! If you’re interested, here is the Canada goose Canada list of cheap Canada goose sport organizations that are currently funded by Sport Canada. There are definitely ways cheap canada goose that Canadian orienteering clubs and associations help with this process. It’s important for clubs and associations to maintain and grow their membership numbers (we need to have a minimum of cheap Canada goose 3000 members – which we currently do) and to encourage good attendance in all the Canada goose Canada age categories at their provincial championships. Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about this. As always, Canada Goose Chilliwack Parka Womens White we want to hear from you!
Par canadagoosecanada le samedi 20 août 2011


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